NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Btrieve 5.15 Patches (through #90) DOCUMENT ID: TID000622 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 09AUG93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: BTR515.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Btrieve NLM 5.15 NetWare Btrieve VAP 5.15 ABSTRACT: This file contains the latest patches for NetWare Btrieve version 5.15. The patches are for NetWare Btrieve NLM and NetWare Btrieve VAP. The latest workstation requesters for the VAP and NLM are available in the file BTRREQ.EXE. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: BTR515.EXE Files Included Size Date Time BTR515.TXT (This File) PATCH515.CMD 2366 9-04-92 11:16a BPATRTRN.515 1019 9-04-92 11:16a BPATRTRV.515 255 9-04-92 11:16a PI.EXE 33520 9-04-92 11:16a PATCH515.BAT 2366 9-04-92 11:16a BPATVAP.515 9088 4-15-93 12:23a BPATNLM.515 21672 6-25-93 2:24p Filename: BTR515.TXT Products: Btrieve NLM v5.15 Btrieve VAP v5.15 Date: JULY 2 1992 This file accompanies the NLM and VAP environment patches for Btrieve v5.15 programs. ****************** NOTICE *********************** This is the last patch release for Btrieve NLM version 5.15. Btrieve NLM version 5.15 is no longer the current version of the Btrieve NLM and Novell is only updating the most current version of the Btrieve NLM. This patch set does not contain patches for Btrieve requesters. Instead, version replacement modules have been included in the file BTRREQ.EXE. BTRREQ.EXE contains the latest requesters for DOS, Windows, OS/2, and UnixWare. The latest requester should be use with all 5.x versions of the VAP and NLM and all 6.x versions of the NLM. See the BTRREQ.TXT file contained in BTRREQ.EXE for details. *************************************************** Contents ======== Patch File Information Installation Procedure Source File Information Patch Set Descriptions =============================================================== Patch File Information ====================== Patch Set Filename: BTR515.EXE Date: 4/19/93 Files Included: BTR515 DOC This file PATCH515 CMD 2366 09-04-92 11:16a BPATRTRN 515 1019 09-04-92 11:16a BPATRTRV 515 255 09-04-92 11:16a BPATNLM 515 18941 04-09-93 12:51p PI EXE 33520 09-04-92 11:16a PATCH515 BAT 2366 09-04-92 11:16a BPATVAP 515 9088 04-15-93 12:23p =============================================================== Installation Procedure ====================== The installation procedure for the Btrieve v5.15 patch set is as follows: 1. Copy all the files to the directory on your system that contains the files to be patched, and make this the default directory. 2. Ensure that PI.EXE is available on the system. PI.EXE is a patch utility that Novell provides to install product patches. You can use PI.EXE in DOS or OS/2 environments. CAUTION: Make sure you are patching the original (unpatched), released version of the software, since PI.EXE cannot patch a patched version. Refer to the following section, "Source File Information," for a list of the original files. The first time you patch the ORIGINAL software, the patch utility renames these files using the .ORG extension. 3. Run the batch or files files relevant to your situation: PATCH515.BAT Corrects the VAP and NLM versions under DOS PATCH515.CMD Corrects the VAP and NLM versions under OS/2 =============================================================== Source File Information ======================= To ensure you are patching the original files, compare the files to be patched with the following list, which shows the byte size and the date and time stamps for the original releases: Source File Size Original Date Time ----------- ---- ------------- ---- BSERVER VAP 132015 1-24-91 5:49p BROUTER VAP 12860 1-31-91 10:21a BROUTER NLM 15884 1-24-91 11:38a BTRIEVE NLM 64616 2-19-91 11:22a =============================================================== Patch Set Descriptions ====================== This section describes each patch in the patch set. For each patch, the description includes one or more keywords that may help you quickly determine whether the patch you need for a specific problem is included in this patch set. * * * * * * * * * Patch Number: 1 Platform/Prod: Btrieve VAP - BSERVER.VAP, v5.15 Keywords: INDEX, SUPPLEMENTAL, EXTENDED, NULL Problem Fixed by This Patch: When Btrieve creates a supplemental index using a null key and an extended key type, if the null value is an even number, Btrieve does not recognize the extended key type. Instead, it uses the third bit of the key flags word to flag the key as either binary or string. * * * * * * * * * Patch Number: 2 Platform/Prod: Btrieve NLM - BTRIEVE.NLM, v5.15 Keywords: UPDATE, INSERT, GET POSITION, COMPRESSED, DUPLICATE Problem Fixed by This Patch: This patch corrects a problem that causes positioning to be lost after you perform an Update operation on a file with compressed records. Performing a Get Position operation causes Btrieve to return a Status 8 (Invalid Positioning); a Get Next operation skips to the next key value, ignoring the next duplicate, if any exist. Similarly, after an Insert operation is performed on a file with a compressed record, a Get Previous operation skips to the previous key value, instead of the previous duplicate, if any exist. * * * * * * * * * Patch Number: 3 Platform/Prod: Btrieve NLM - BTRIEVE.NLM, v5.15 Keywords: POSITION, DELETE, STEP FIRST, STEP PREVIOUS Problem Fixed by This Patch: This patch corrects a problem that sometimes occurs when a Step Previous operation follows a Step First operation and a Delete operation, causing Btrieve to return a Status 80 (Conflict) because positioning has been lost on the failed Step Previous operation. This patch restores positioning. * * * * * * * * * Patch Number: 4 Platform/Prod: Btrieve NLM - BTRIEVE.NLM, v5.15 Keywords: TTS, PRE-IMAGE Problem Fixed by This Patch: This patch fixes a problem causing systems using the Transaction Tracking System (TTS) under heavy load to intermittently return a Status 14 (Pre-Image Open Error). Access problems continue until the file is closed and reopened. The problem does not occur when the BSPXCOM -W parameter is set to 1. This patch implements a semaphore to control TTS task switching. * * * * * * * * * Patch Number: 5 Platform/Prod: Btrieve VAP - BSERVER.VAP, v5.15; BROUTER.VAP, v5.15 Btrieve NLM - BTRIEVE.NLM, v5.15; BROUTER.NLM, v5.15 Not included in the patch set is a patch for: Btrieve Requesters (DOS) - BREQUEST.EXE, v5.16; (OS/2) - BTRCALLS.DLL, v5.17 This problem is source fixed in the 6.0 requesters contained in this patch kit. Keywords: EXTENDED, INSERT, BUFFER Problem Fixed by This Patch: After an Extended Insert operation, Btrieve should pass back the data buffer with a count of records successfully inserted in the first word of the buffer. This patch corrects a problem that prevents the data buffer from being sent to the application. ÿ